The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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NOTE This is an edition of the TekTERM documentation
produced for release with a commercial version,
V2.26. Although it covers many more features
than are available with V1.80, some of the doc-
ument is applicable.
For complete information on the latest release
of TekTERM, please write to us at
TekTERM Development
1700 Hollindale Drive
Alexandria, VA 22306
EDITION 2.26 -- MAY 1986
This program is not copy protected. The distribution
diskette may be duplicated for archival purposes only. This
software may be freely moved from one computer to another or
used by more than one person; however, the program cannot be
executed on two different machines by two different people
at the same time.
The included media (diskette and documentation) are war-
ranted to be complete and free from defects for a period of
30 days following the date of purchase. Defective or incom-
plete media will be replaced by the author during the war-
ranty period if the original package is returned.
There is no other warranty, express or implied, including,
but not limited to, the fitness of this software for a par-
ticular purpose. In no event shall the author be liable for
any loss of profit or damages.
This program and the included documentation are * Copyright
1986 by Greg Sherman. All rights reserved. The documenta-
tion and diskette should not be copied in any way or by any
method (except for archival purposes) without first contact-
ing the author.
TekTERM Development
1700 Hollindale Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 22306
This reference manual describes the operation of the TekTERM
Terminal Emulation Program on an IBM PC or compatible com-
puter. In addition to describing the capabilities of the
program and its hardware requirements, this documentation
provides the following specific information:
o How to set communication parameters and oper-
ate your PC as a terminal.
o How to connect to mainframe operating systems
including DEC VAX/VMS and IBM VM/CMS.
o How to save graphics screen images to a disk
file and how to retrieve these files for dis-
play at a later time.
o How to configure TekTERM for a particular host
This manual assumes you are familiar with the PC-DOS operat-
ing system and that you have had experience working with a
mainframe computer. You should know how to log onto the
host computer as individual systems will have different
log-on procedures.
The following files must be on your TekTERM program diskette
in order for TekTERM to operate properly:
TEK.EXE This is the TekTERM pro-
gram executable file.
TTUTIL.COM This program is the
TekTERM picture file man-
TT.CFG This is the default
TekTERM configuration
file. This file is not
required; however, stor-
ing your most common con-
figuration parameters in
this file will make
TekTERM more convenient
to use. Refer to "Re-
cording A Configuration
File" on page 10 to see
Preface ii
how to create or modify
The following configuration files are also included on the
TekTERM distribution diskette. These files contain the con-
figuration parameters typically used for the specified com-
munication interfaces:
VAXMODEM.CFG dial-up communication
with VAX/VMS.
VAXLOCAL.CFG high speed local network
communication with
CMSMODEM.CFG dial-up communication
with VM/CMS.
CMSLOCAL.CFG high speed local network
communication with
Preface iii
Section 1. TekTERM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Preparing A Working Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Differences From V2.20 to V2.26 . . . . . . . . . 3
Section 2. Configuring TekTERM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1 Creating Configuration Files . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Recording A Configuration File . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Programming the Function Keys . . . . . . . . . 10
Section 3. Running TekTERM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.1 Connecting to the Host Computer . . . . . . . . 13
3.2 Operating as a Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Section 4. Tektronix 4010 Keyboard Definition . . . . . 15
4.1 Function Key Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2 Tektronix Key Equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Section 5. VT100 Keyboard Definition . . . . . . . . . 19
5.1 Function Key Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.2 VT100 Key Equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.3 VAX EDT Key Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Section 6. TekTERM APL Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Section 7. Picture File Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.1 TTUTIL - The Picture File Manager . . . . . . . 26
7.2 Recalling Picture Files . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
7.3 Printing a Picture File . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Appendix A. Using TekTERM with VM/CMS . . . . . . . . . 28
A.1 Specifying your Default Configuration File . . . 28
A.2 Logging On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
A.3 Defining the Character Delete Key . . . . . . . 28
A.4 Listing the Files on Your Userid . . . . . . . . 29
A.5 Creating or Modifying Files in Line Mode . . . . 29
Appendix B. Using TekTERM With VAX/VMS . . . . . . . . 30
B.1 Using Tektronix Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
B.2 Using VT100 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Appendix C. Tektronix Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Appendix D. VT100 Escape Sequences . . . . . . . . . . 33
Appendix E. About TekTERM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Appendix F. PROBLEM REPORT FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Table of Contents iv
The TekTERM package allows an IBM Personal Computer with
graphics capabilities to emulate Tektronix model 4010 graph-
ics terminal and the DEC VT100 ANSI terminal. Users who are
familiar with the keyboard, design, and functions of these
terminals should have little trouble using to TekTERM.
VM/CMS(1) and VAX/VMS users who are unfamiliar with
Tektronix terminals should refer to "Appendix A. Using
TekTERM with VM/CMS" on page 28 and "Appendix B. Using
TekTERM With VAX/VMS" on page 30 for supplemental informa-
TekTERM will:
o Accept all standard Tektronix protocols for
displaying graphic data.
o Accept most ANSI (X3.64-1977) and DEC private
control sequences for full-screen emulation.
o Emulate the GIN (Graphic Input) functions of
the Tektronix 4010.
o Save graphic images to diskette for off-line
o Record multiple configurations for operation
in different environments.
o Give on-line help and key descriptions.
o Transmit a true hardware Break signal to the
o Allow user definition of the backspace key.
o Display the full APL character set.
o Snoop mode makes control characters visible.
o Programmable function keys.
1 VM, CMS, and XEDIT are registered trademarks of IBM Cor-
poration - Boca Raton, Florida.
Section 1. TekTERM 1
o Interrupt driven communications for fast
o Plus many other features.
If you are familiar with graphics programming on a mainframe
system, you'll appreciate that TekTERM is compatible with
the Tektronix PLOT-10, AGII, and TCS libraries, as well as
with the Interactive Graphics Package (IGP).(2) TekTERM will
allow you to operate most graphics-oriented packages includ-
ing PREVIEW and SAS/Graph. TekTERM will also operate with
VAX GKS/0b Graphics Kernel System device type 72, Tektronix
GKS as device type 401000, and other GKS implementations.
In VT100 mode, TekTERM functions as a full-screen oriented,
ANSI compatible terminal. Programs such as the EDT screen
editor from VAX/VMS will operate in this mode.(3)
The following hardware is needed in order to use TekTERM
with VM/CMS, VAX/VMS or similar systems.
o An IBM PC, Portable PC, XT, or AT with 64 KB
memory and one diskette drive (two are recom-
mended for picture file capture).
o An IBM color/graphics display adapter and dis-
play. (The amber display of the Portable PC
is acceptable).
o An asynchronous communications adapter and a
data communications device. This device can
be an internal or external modem, or a local
area network connection.
o PC-DOS Version 2.0 or higher.
Note: The modem or other communication device you use should
be able to operate in a full duplex mode. That means it
must be able to transmit and receive data simultaneously.
(The duplex of your modem is not related to the duplex set-
ting of the terminal or of the host computer). Most modems
are full duplex.
2 TCS, PLOT-10, AGII, and IGP are registered trademarks of
Tektronix Corporation - Beaverton, Oregon.
3 DEC, EDT, VAX, VMS, and VT are registered trademarks of
Digital Equipment Corporation - Maynard, Massachusetts.
Section 1. TekTERM 2
The TekTERM program diskette is not copy protected. Before
using TekTERM, you should make a working copy of your pro-
gram diskette. You can do this by placing a new, unformat-
ted diskette in drive B and your DOS system disk in drive A.
Then type
FORMAT B:/S <cr>
(4) and respond to the prompts. When the formatting is com-
plete, place your TekTERM program diskette in drive A. Type
COPY *.* B: <cr>
to transfer the TekTERM files to your new diskette. Your
working program diskette is now ready and should be used ex-
clusively. Your master disk should be stored safely.
If your PC is equipped with a hard disk, it may be conven-
ient to copy the TekTERM files onto the hard disk.
These refinements have been made in the past few releases of
1. The DECSTBM control sequence was improperly handled when
it contained illegal parameters. If parameters for this
sequence do not conform to the rules specified by DEC,
the entire sequence is disregarded.
2. The F10 key no longer provides an exit from the program.
The previous F10 exit function was replaced by Alt-X.
This change was made to eliminate accidental exits
caused by pressing the F10 key twice in succession.
3. Function keys may now be programmed with a sequence of
up to 60 characters. Refer to "Programming the Function
Keys" on page 10 for details of this new feature.
4. An automatic XON/XOFF protocol has been invoked to pre-
vent communication buffer overflow. Although overflow
4 Throughout this manual, the enter or return key (large
key to the left of the 4 and 7 keys of the numeric
keypad, <--+ on the standard IBM PC keyboard) will be
represented by [ENTER] or <cr>.
Section 1. TekTERM 3
has not been a reported problem, this feature will im-
prove program performance in a number of ways.
5. Print logging has been added to TekTERM in conjunction
with the XON/XOFF protocol. The Ctrl-PrtSC combination
toggles an attached printer on and off for logging of
the terminal session.
6. Bugs in the function key editing screen have been fixed.
Section 1. TekTERM 4
The TekTERM program is easy to learn and operate. The main
program consists of two parts: configuration and terminal
Each host system or communications connection requires a
specific terminal configuration. Although TekTERM manages
most of the configuration through its default settings,
there are some parameters that must be set by the user in
order for communication to be successful.
To configure TekTERM, start the main program by placing your
working TekTERM disk in drive A and entering:
TEK <cr>
at the A> prompt. In a moment, the main TekTERM screen will
be displayed:
T e k T E R M V 2.26
Tektronix 4010 and DEC VT100 Emulation for the IBM PC
No. 0A0000000
Copyright (C) 1986 Greg Sherman
Alt-S: Set Up Alt-L: Load Alt-C: Connect Alt-X: Exit
Configuration File: TT.CFG
Note that the default configuration file is TT.CFG. TekTERM
will automatically load this configuration file if it re-
sides in the same directory as the TekTERM program.
Section 2. Configuring TekTERM 5
To modify your configuration, enter an Alt-S combination
(hold down the Alt key then press S). The screen will
change to display:
Parameter Selection Menu
Baud 300 Graphics Cursor BLOCK
Parity NONE Text Cursor BLOCK
Data Bits 7 Key Click OFF
Stop Bits 1 Gin Terminate <cr>
Duplex FULL Text Color BLUE
Communication Port COM1: Graphics Color BLUE
Backspace Sends <del>
Alt-C: Connect Alt-S: Save Alt-F: Fkeys Alt-X: Exit
Configuration File: TT.CFG
To select a parameter, use the up and down arrow keys on the
right side of the PC keyboard. To adjust the parameter,
press the large + key located on the far right side of the
keyboard (this rotates through the possible choices). These
are the parameters that can be adjusted:
Baud Rate The baud rate of your
terminal refers to the
speed at which data is
transferred between
TekTERM and the host
computer. Baud trans-
lates to "bits per sec-
ond"; valid values are
300, 1200, 2400, 4800,
and 9600. Your baud
rate setting is a func-
tion of your communi-
cations device (i.e.
your modem or local
area network con-
nection) and must be
adjusted accordingly.
Parity Parity is an error-
checking protocol which
involves setting a par-
ticular bit in each
Section 2. Configuring TekTERM 6
character as the parity
bit. To avoid cor-
rupted data, the parity
of TekTERM should be
matched to the host.
The parity checking
protocol will not cor-
rect transmission prob-
lems, but TekTERM will
inform you if a charac-
ter error has taken
Data Bits The data bit setting of
your system refers to
the number of bits that
will form a word of
data for transmission.
While most asynchronous
terminals will use a
setting of 7, certain
binary systems will re-
quire for a setting of
Stop Bits The stop bit protocol
allows both TekTERM and
the host system to rec-
ognize the start and
end of a data word.
The normal setting is
Duplex Duplex refers to the
ability of your host
computer to send and
receive data simultane-
ously. In general, a
full duplex system will
take all of the infor-
mation it receives and
echo it back to the
terminal; a half du-
plex system will not.
When TekTERM is operat-
ing at FULL duplex, it
waits for the echoed
characters before plac-
ing them on the termi-
nal display. When it
operates at HALF du-
plex, TekTERM places
the character on your
screen as you type it.
Section 2. Configuring TekTERM 7
(If you see double
characters on the
screen after having
logged on, you probably
need to change duplex
setting). VAX/VMS sys-
tems should be set to
FULL, VM/CMS systems
should be set to HALF
for line mode opera-
Communications Port TekTERM needs to know
which port contains
your communications de-
vice (i.e. your
internal modem or asyn-
chronous communications
adapter). PC-DOS will
allow you to configure
two such devices, de-
fined as COM1 and COM2.
The default TekTERM
setting is COM1.
Graphics Cursor The cursor that appears
while TekTERM is in
graphics mode may be
set to a block (BLOCK),
to an underline (LINE),
or to invisible (NONE).
The cursor is visible
while TekTERM is dis-
playing text or drawing
vectors. There is no
speed advantage with
any of the choices.
Text Cursor The cursor that appears
while TekTERM is in
text mode may be set to
a block (BLOCK) or an
underline (LINE). The
text cursor adjustment
affects both VT100 and
Tektronix modes. There
is no speed advantage
with any of the
Key Click DEC terminals are able
to produce an audible
key click. This is
useful for editing if a
Section 2. Configuring TekTERM 8
cursor control key must
be held down to auto-
repeat. The key click
informs you everytime a
code or sequence is
sent to the host com-
puter. Key click also
operates in Tektronix
Gin Terminate The Tektronix Graphics
Input (GIN) mode allows
a terminal user to send
graphic data to the
host during certain
graphics applications.
Because TekTERM sup-
ports GIN mode, it
needs to know what
character your host
system requires to mark
the termination of
graphics input. The
default setting is <cr>
(carriage return);
most systems accept
this character.
Text Color TekTERM allows you to
set the color of the
text displayed on the
screen to whatever you
find most comfortable.
Graphics Color Setting this parameter
will set the color for
operation in graphics
Backspace Sends The two most common
characters for sending
a destructive backspace
(or rub-out) to a host
system are ASCII 8
(backspace) and ASCII
127 (delete). VAX sys-
tems accept ASCII 127
while VM/CMS will ac-
cept any character as
the delete
Section 2. Configuring TekTERM 9
character.(5) To send
an ASCII 8, this con-
figuration parameter
should be set to <bs>;
to send an ASCII 127,
this parameter should
be set to <del>.
Once the parameters have been set, they can be saved in a
TekTERM configuration file. Press the Alt-S (Save) combina-
tion and enter a file name at the prompt. The file name
should be 8 characters or less in length. If you'd like to
make the new configuration the default, enter TT as the name
of the file at the prompt and then press [ENTER]. Do not
enter a file extension; TekTERM automatically adds .CFG.
If you would like to modify an existing configuration file,
press Alt-L (Load). You will be prompted for the name of
the file to be loaded. Use the up or down cursor keys to
select the parameters you wish to change and the large + key
on the right side of the keyboard to select the required pa-
rameter value. Use the Alt-S option to re-save the file.
To save it under its original name, you need only press the
[ENTER] key in response to the prompt for a filename. To
save the file under another name, enter the filename you
wish to use and then press [ENTER].
TekTERM allows you to assign an often used sequence of char-
acters to a single key to reduce the number of required key-
strokes. This feature is useful for logon sequences,
dialing commands, and any other string of characters that
you must normally enter individually.
From the Parameter Selection Menu, selecting Alt-F brings up
the Function Key Programming screen. The display appears
5 For VM/CMS, the backspace is suggested. After logging
on, enter the command CP TERM CHARDEL <--, where <-- is
the backspace key.
Section 2. Configuring TekTERM 10
Function Key Programming
Alt-F1 =
Alt-F2 =
Alt-F3 =
Alt-F4 =
Alt-F5 =
Alt-F6 =
Alt-F7 =
Alt-F8 =
Alt-F9 =
Alt-F10 =
Alt-M: Main Screen
Configuration File: TT.CFG
Note the function key edit cursor next to the Alt-F1 posi-
tion. The position of this cursor may be controlled by the
up and down arrow keys (* *).
Any printable ASCII character may be entered as part of the
function key definition. In addition, you may place a car-
riage return within the key definition by entering \c. For
instance, if your host system requires you to enter your
username and a password, you may wish to define Alt-F1 as
Then, when prompted for a username, you need only press
While editing function keys, these keys have special edit
[*] Move the cursor one position to the
[*] Move the cursor one position to the
[Home] Move the cursor to the start of the
key definition string.
[End] Move the cursor to the end of the
key definition string.
[Del] Delete the character under the cur-
Section 2. Configuring TekTERM 11
[Ins] Toggles insert mode.
[Backspace] Move the cursor left one position
and delete the current character.
All function key definitions are stored as part of the cur-
rent configuration file. The configuration file may be
stored by selecting Alt-M to return to the Parameter Se-
lection Menu, then Alt-S as described above.
Section 2. Configuring TekTERM 12
Before you start TekTERM, boot up the computer with a DOS
system disk (DOS version 2.0 or higher) in drive A. (Your
working disk will function as a DOS system disk as it has
been formatted using the /S option; the original TekTERM
master disk will not.)
TekTERM should be in the A drive. Type TEK <cr> to start
the TekTERM program. You should keep your TekTERM program
diskette in the disk drive until you have connected with the
host computer.
When you first start TekTERM, the program searches drive A
for the TT.CFG configuration file. If this file is not
present on the A drive, the configuration parameters are set
to the program default values illustrated on page 6. If
TT.CFG is present, the configuration parameters are set to
the values specified by this file.
The TekTERM screen displays the configuration file that is
currently in effect at the bottom of the screen. If TekTERM
found TT.CFG, it displays this name. Otherwise, it displays
NONE. You can call a different configuration file into mem-
ory by pressing the Alt-L (Load) combination and entering
the new configuration file name. You may modify the commu-
nications parameters by selecting Alt-S (Set Up) as de-
scribed previously.
Note: After parameters have been modified, they do not need
to be saved in order to take effect.
When you've set the correct configuration parameters, you're
ready to enter the TekTERM terminal operation mode Enter an
Alt-C (Connect) combination to connect TekTERM to the commu-
nications device:
o If you've got an internal autodial modem, en-
ter your modem dialing commands.
o If you're using an external or acoustically
coupled modem, dial and connect it now.
o If you're connected to a local area network,
the network prompt should appear.
You should now be connected to the host system and may begin
your logon procedure. If you don't get any response, check
Section 3. Running TekTERM 13
that you've used the correct communication parameters, par-
ticularly the baud rate. You can return to the TekTERM pa-
rameter selection menu by pressing F10.
Once you've connected to the host system, TekTERM should be
invisible to you. TekTERM will automatically switch into
graphics mode when necessary and requires no additional
TekTERM places a status line at the bottom of the display to
inform you about communication errors and program settings.
It is suppressed while TekTERM is in graphics mode.
In 4010 mode, the status bar appears as
TekTERM 2.26 4010 LC APPL BS = <del> F2: Help F10: Set Up
while in VT100 mode it appears as
TekTERM 2.26 VT100 LC APPL BS = <del> F7: Help F10: Set Up
Section 3. Running TekTERM 14
The ten function keys on the left side of the PC keyboard
have special functions in TekTERM Tektronix 4010 terminal
emulation mode. They are defined as follows:
F1 Page clears the screen and
returns the screen to
text mode. This key
is equivalent to the
Page or Reset key on
the Tektronix 4010 and
4010-1 keyboard.
F2 TekTERM Help displays the function
key definitions. Any
information currently
on the screen is
stored. The F2 key
should not be pressed
during transmission
from the host as data
may be lost or cor-
F3 no function in this
version of TekTERM.
F4 APL Mode Toggle toggles TekTERM in and
out of APL mode. See
"Section 6. TekTERM
APL Mode" on page 24
for details.
F5 Snoop Mode Toggle is useful for debug-
ging graphics pro-
grams. While snoop
mode is in effect, all
non-printable charac-
ters (ASCII 31 and be-
low) are replaced by
an equivalent mnemonic
and will not produce
their normal effects.
F6 Backspace Define toggles the definition
of the backspace key
on the PC keyboard be-
Section 4. Tektronix 4010 Keyboard Definition 15
tween ASCII 8 and
ASCII 127 without re-
turning to the set up
F7 Picture File Capture invokes the picture
file capture feature
for saving graphic im-
ages to a disk. The
operation of this key
is discussed in "Sec-
tion 7. Picture File
Capture" on page 25.
F8 No Scroll sends an XOFF charac-
ter to the host and
data transmission is
paused. Pressing F8
again will send an XON
to the host and resume
transmission. TekTERM
will display NO SCROLL
on the status line to
warn you that trans-
mission has been in-
Note:Note: The
Ctrl-S/Ctrl-Q combina-
tion performs the same
function as the no
scroll key and will
also display the NO
SCROLL status message.
F9 VT100 clears the display and
changes TekTERM to
VT100 mode.
F10 Set Up returns TekTERM to the
parameter selection
menu. The current
host session remains
active but all incom-
ing data or data on
the display is lost.
The Tektronix 4010 keyboard has a number of non-alphanumeric
keys that are not found on an IBM PC keyboard. However,
TekTERM provides several key definitions that are func-
Section 4. Tektronix 4010 Keyboard Definition 16
tionally equivalent to the missing Tektronix keys. They are
defined as:
Page The F1 function key is
equivalent to the Page
Rub Out When the backspace key
is defined as <del>
(ASCII 127), it per-
forms the same func-
tion as Rub Out.
Line Feed The function of the
Line Feed key can be
simulated with a
Ctrl-J combination.
Break The break function is
simulated by the Ctrl-
Break key combination.
When Ctrl-Break is
pressed, TekTERM sends
a break signal to the
host lasting approxi-
mately 1/2 second.
After the signal has
been sent, TekTERM
sounds a tone to ver-
ify the break. For
VM/CMS users, the
break function will
terminate your appli-
cation and return you
to CP mode or the CMS
prompt (.). VAX users
have no need for the
break key as Ctrl-Y
performs a similar
Reset The F1 key performs a
function similar to
the Tektronix Reset
Alt Mode The Alt Mode key on
the Tektronix 4010
transmits the ASCII
code for a right
bracket (]). The
function of the key
may be simulated by
pressing the ]] key.
Section 4. Tektronix 4010 Keyboard Definition 17
Thumb Wheels The functions of the
cross-hair cursor con-
trol wheels located on
the right side of the
Tektronix terminal are
duplicated by the ar-
row keys on the right
side of the PC key-
board. Pressing the
arrow keys alone will
move the cursor in 10
pixel increments;
pressing an arrow key
in combination with a
shift key causes the
cursor to move 1
Section 4. Tektronix 4010 Keyboard Definition 18
The ten function keys on the left side of the PC keyboard
have special functions in TekTERM VT100 terminal operation
mode. They are defined as follows:
F1 PF1 sends the codes corre-
sponding to the VT100
PF1 key.
F2 PF2 sends the codes corre-
sponding to the VT100
PF2 key.
F3 PF3 sends the codes corre-
sponding to the VT100
PF3 key.
F4 PF4 sends the codes corre-
sponding to the VT100
PF4 key.
F5 Line Feed sends a line feed code
to the host; commonly
causes the cursor to
advance one line with-
out resetting the col-
umn position.
F6 Back Space Define toggles the definition
of the backspace key
on the PC keyboard be-
tween ASCII 8 and
ASCII 127 without re-
turning to the set up
F7 TekTERM Help displays the function
key definitions. Any
information currently
on the screen is
stored. The F7 key
should not be pressed
during transmission
from the host as data
may be lost or cor-
Section 5. VT100 Keyboard Definition 19
F8 No Scroll sends an XOFF charac-
ter to the host and
data transmission is
paused. Pressing F8
again will send an XON
to the host and resume
transmission. TekTERM
will display NO SCROLL
on the status line to
warn you that trans-
mission has been in-
Note:Note: The
Ctrl-S/Ctrl-Q combina-
tion performs the same
function as the no
scroll key and will
also display the NO
SCROLL status message.
F9 Tek 4010 Mode clears the display and
returns TekTERM to
Tektronix 4010 mode.
F10 Set Up returns TekTERM to the
parameter selection
menu. The current
host session remains
active but all incom-
ing data or data on
the display is lost.
Section 5. VT100 Keyboard Definition 20
The DEC VT100 keyboard has a number of non-alphanumeric keys
that are not found on an IBM PC keyboard. However, TekTERM
provides several key definitions that are functionally
equivalent to the missing VT100 keys. They are defined as:
Backspace When the PC backspace
key is defined as <bs>
(ASCII 08), it per-
forms the same func-
tion as the VT100
Backspace key.
Delete When the PC backspace
key is defined as
<del> (ASCII 127), it
performs the same
function as the VT100
Delete key.
Break The break function is
simulated by the Ctrl-
Break key combination.
When Ctrl-Break is
pressed, TekTERM sends
a break signal to the
host lasting approxi-
mately 1/2 second.
After the signal has
been sent, TekTERM
sounds a tone to ver-
ify the break. For
VM/CMS users, the
break function will
terminate your appli-
cation and return you
to CP mode or the CMS
prompt (.). VAX users
have no need for the
break key as Ctrl-Y
performs a similar
Cursor Keys The VT100 arrow keys
are defined as the PC
keyboard arrow keys
located on the numeric
keypad. These must be
used in combination
with either shift key.
Section 5. VT100 Keyboard Definition 21
The EDT editor from Digital Equipment Corporation is a popu-
lar full-screen oriented program found on VMS and other DEC
operating systems. The EDT program makes full use of the
VT100 numeric keypad as function keys. The equivalent PC
keys that perform the EDT functions are listed here.
Note: In order for these functions to work as listed, the
keyboard Num Lock toggle should be set on.
Section 5. VT100 Keyboard Definition 22
TekTERM V2.26 Key Definitions DEC VT100 Mode
┌────────┬────────┐ ┌─────────────────┬─────────────────┬─────────────────┐
│PF1 │PF2 │ │ Backspace │ │ │
│ │ │ │ or │ │ Break │
│ │ │ │ Delete │ │ │
├────────┼────────┤ └─────────────────┼────────┬────────┼────────┬────────┤
│PF3 │PF4 │ │ 7 │ 8 │ 9 │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ - │
├────────┼────────┤ ├────────┼────────┼────────┼────────┤
│Line │Back │ │ 4 │ 5 │ 6 │ │
│Feed │Space │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │Define │ │ │ │ │ │
├────────┼────────┤ ┌────────┼────────┼────────┼────────┤ │
│TekTERM │No │ │ , │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │ │
│Help │Scroll │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ + │
├────────┼────────┤ ├────┌───┴───┐────┼────┌───┴───┐────┤ │
│Tek 4010│Set Up │ │ │ 0 │ │ │ . │ │ │
│Mode │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
└────────┴────────┘ └────└───────┘────┴────└───────┘────┴────────┘
TekTERM V2.26 Key Definitions VAX/VMS V4.2 EDT Help Screen
┌────────┬────────┐ ┌─────────────────┬─────────────────┬─────────────────┐
│GOLD │Help │ │ Backspace │ │ │
│ │ │ │ or │ │ Break │
│ │ │ │ Delete │ │ │
├────────┼────────┤ └─────────────────┼────────┬────────┼────────┬────────┤
│Find Nxt│Del Line│ │Page │Section │Append │Del Word│
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│Find │Und Line│ │Command │Fill │Replace │Und Word│
├────────┼────────┤ ├────────┼────────┼────────┼────────┤
│Line │Back │ │Advance │Backup │Cut │ │
│Feed │Space │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │Define │ │Bottom │Top │Paste │ │
├────────┼────────┤ ┌────────┼────────┼────────┼────────┤ │
│TekTERM │No │ │Del Char│Word │EOL │Char │Enter │
│Help │Scroll │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │Und Char│Chngcase│Del EOL │Specins │Subs │
├────────┼────────┤ ├────┌───┴───┐────┼────┌───┴───┐────┤ │
│Tek 4010│Set Up │ │ │Line │ │ │Select │ │ │
│Mode │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │Open L │ │ │Reset │ │ │
└────────┴────────┘ └────└───────┘────┴────└───────┘────┴────────┘
Section 5. VT100 Keyboard Definition 23
The APL language interpreter is a symbol-oriented program
found on micro, mini, and mainframe computers. Most termi-
nals do not provide the special characters necessary for the
APL environment; however, TekTERM will allow the APL pro-
grammer to view these symbols.
The APL character set is available only in TekTERM 4010
mode. APL Mode is initialized by selecting the F4 key on
the left side of the PC keyboard. It remains in effect un-
til F4 is depressed again.
The operation of TekTERM in APL Mode is similar to standard
operation. The main difference is that the terminal remains
in graphics mode while APL is in effect. The F1 Page key
will not set the display to text mode, but it will reset the
terminal and clear the graphics display. The color selected
for the Graphics Color parameter will be in effect.
While TekTERM is in APL mode, the standard upper-case let-
ters are replaced by the APL character set. The non-
alphabetic keys also provide different characters.
Section 6. TekTERM APL Mode 24
The F7 key on the PC keyboard will allow you to save a
graphic image from the display screen to a disk file. The
utility program, TTUTIL, allows you to recall and re-display
a recorded image while TekTERM is off-line.
When you select F7 (Picture File Capture), the graphic image
will momentarily disappear. TekTERM displays
++ TekTERM V2.26 Picture File Capture ++
|| ||
|| Picture File Name : ||
|| ||
|| ||
|| ||
++ ++
Enter a file name of eight characters or less. TekTERM will
automatically create a file on the default drive with an ex-
tension of .PIC. When the picture file has been saved,
TekTERM restores the graphic image to the display and re-
turns on-line.
Note: Each picture file requires about 16KB of disk space.
Section 7. Picture File Capture 25
The TTUTIL program is included on the TekTERM diskette to
allow you to review and print picture files that you've
saved during a previous TekTERM session. TTUTIL is a sepa-
rate command issued from DOS; it is not issued from the
TekTERM terminal emulation program.
To invoke TTUTIL, enter TTUTIL <cr>. When TTUTIL is
called, it displays
Picture File Name :
Enter the name of the picture file that you want to see.
You only need to specify the filename (eight characters or
less); TTUTIL will add the extension .PIC. If the corre-
sponding picture file is present, it will be recalled and
You may change the color of the displayed plot and of subse-
quent plots by selecting the Alt-C combination. Tap any key
to return to the first TTUTIL screen.
You can exit TTUTIL by pressing [ENTER] in response to the
picture file prompt.
The TTUTIL program may also be executed directly from DOS or
a batch file with all parameters placed on the command line.
The format for the TTUTIL command is
TTUTIL picture [delay] <cr>
where picture is the picture file name and delay is the num-
ber of two-second intervals (0-9) for the plot to remain on
the screen. If no value is entered for delay, TTUTIL de-
faults to eighteen seconds. Additionally, specifying zero
or * for delay will cause TTUTIL to leave the plot on the
display indefinitely.
Note: You may also change the display color in batch mode
with the Alt-C combination. If a delay count is in effect,
it will be reset.
If you have a graphics printer, TTUTIL can also be used to
obtain a hardcopy of the screen image. Two TTUTIL commands
Section 7. Picture File Capture 26
will produce a high quality screen dump to your attached
Alt-1 Produces a small (approximately 5x2.5 inches)
image with normal orientation. The detail is
good at the cost of size and aspect ratio.
Alt-2 Produces a larger image, rotated 90 degrees.
This image is similar to that produced by the
DOS GRAPHICS.COM, but is not as large. The
aspect ratio is preserved.
The printers supported by TTUTIL include the IBM Graphics
Printer, the IBM ProPrinter, the EPSON RX-80 and FX-80, the
Okimate 20 and other Okidata printers. In general, any
printer compatible with the EPSON bit-image graphics modes
will work fine.
Note: If your printer works with the DOS GRAPHICS command,
it should work with TTUTIL.
Section 7. Picture File Capture 27
The following appendix is included as an aid to VM/CMS users
who may not be familiar with using a graphics terminal. The
TekTERM program emulates (makes the PC behave as if it were)
a Tektronix 4010 terminal. Thus your PC will now share the
properties of this terminal. In addition to being able to
execute graphics programs, you will be able to create and
modify files using line mode editing commands.
The TekTERM distribution diskette contains 4 configuration
files described in the Preface. If you are using a high-
speed local area network connection, copy the file
CMSLOCAL.CFG as TT.CFG; if you are using a dial-in phone
line, copy the file CMSMODEM.CFG as TT.CFG and check that
its baud rate matches that of your modem using the Alt-S op-
tion from the first TekTERM selection screen.
Execute the TekTERM program by typing TEK. The first panel
will appear and you will be prompted for a choice. Press
the Alt and C keys simultaneously.
o If you are connected through a local area network, your
system prompt should now appear. In order to be able to
use the graphics capabilities of your terminal, you will
have to log on in line mode.
o If you are using a dial-in line with a modem, follow
your normal logon procedure.
As the default, CMS defines the @ as the character delete
symbol. If you make a mistake while entering text in line
mode, type as many @'s as necessary to cancel the incorrect
characters and then resume entering the command. Many indi-
viduals find it convenient to define the backspace key (left
pointing arrow above the [ENTER] key on the standard PC key-
board) as the delete character. This can be accomplished by
entering the command:
Appendix A. Using TekTERM with VM/CMS 28
where <-- is the backspace key on the PC keyboard.
Note: In order for this to work correctly, the Backspace
Sends option in your TekTERM configuration file should be
set to <bs>. If you plan to use graphics extensively, you
may wish to include the CP TERM CHARDEL <-- command in the
PROFILE EXEC file on your host system.
Do not use the FL or FLIST command to list your files; use
the LF (LISTFILE) command instead. Enter HELP LISTFILE from
CMS for a discussion of this command.
TekTERM supports CMS in line mode; full-screen editing fea-
tures are not available.(6) However, line mode CMS does sup-
port extensive editing capabilities. Both EDIT or XEDIT may
be used. Some of the most useful line editing commands in-
mation about these commands may be obtain by entering:
HELP XEDIT command-name
HELP EDIT command-name
where command-name is the name of the command for which you
would like to obtain more information.
6 Certain ASCII protocol converters for full-screen CMS
will support TekTERM in VT100 mode.
Appendix A. Using TekTERM with VM/CMS 29
The VMS operating system assumes your terminal is not capa-
ble of automatically wrapping to the next line when the
right margin has been reached. Therefore, if 80 characters
have been sent since the last <cr>, VMS automatically sends
a <cr>. Since a Tektronix data stream is usually longer
than 80 characters, you should specify to VMS that these
carriage returns not be added. This can be accomplished by
the following command:
Alternatively, these options may be assigned to a command
defined within your LOGIN.COM file. For example, if you add
the following line to LOGIN.COM,
you only need to type TEK <cr> to instruct the host to prop-
erly handle the terminal for executing graphics programs.
Newer versions of the VMS operating system include support
for DECs own ANSI terminals. Programs such as MAIL, PHONE,
and MONITOR will take advantage of these features of your
termnial and the operating system. You must, however, tell
VMS that you are using a VT100 terminal. The command
SET TERM/VT100 <cr>
will set-up VMS with all the parameters needed to operate
TekTERM in VT100 mode. As with the Tektronix set-up, you
may wish to include these options in your LOGIN.COM file.
For example, if you add the following line to LOGIN.COM,
$VT100 :== SET TERM/VT100
you only need to type VT100 <cr> to instruct the host to
properly manage the terminal for executing ANSI compatible
For more information on the SET TERM command, enter
Appendix B. Using TekTERM With VAX/VMS 30
The Tektronix protocol uses printable ASCII characters
(32-127) to calculate device screen coordinates and create
vectors. X and Y screen positions are transmitted as two
bytes each, the high byte and low byte. The coordinate is
formed by stripping the three most significant bits of each
byte and appending them to form a ten-bit value (0-1023).
The true Tektronix 4010 screen has an addressibility of 1024
horizontal by 780 vertical while the IBM graphics board has
only 640 by 200 resolution. Therefore, some loss of detail
may occur due to data round-off error.
Other ASCII codes and escape sequences cause the 4010 termi-
nal to enter one of four operating modes. These modes are:
Mode Terminal Action
GRAPH interpret all printable ASCII char-
acters as screen coordinates and
draw visible vectors. The first
vector drawn upon entry into graph
mode is dark; that is, the cursor
is moved and no line appears. All
vectors are drawn from the previous
coordinates to the current coordi-
GIN display the cross-hair cursor al-
lowing user to position it as
needed. Report the cursor position
to the host when requested.
TEXT display all ASCII characters as
transmitted. Perform TTY interpre-
tation of CR, LF, BS, TAB, BEL,
ECHO SUPPRESSION do not process any data echoed by
the host and accept only certain
control sequences. This mode is
entered automatically after a GIN
report to prevent interpretation of
echoed data.
Some of the sequences and codes that are pertinent to these
modes and that TekTERM understands are listed here.
Appendix C. Tektronix Protocol 31
Sequence Terminal Response
GS (29) Sends terminal into dark vector
mode. The first vector drawn is
dark, all subsequent vectors are
CR (13) Clears GIN and GRAPH mode to TEXT
mode. Has normal effect in TEXT
ESC FF (27 12) Resets terminal X and Y coordi-
nates. Clears display and resets
US (31) Clears GRAPH mode.
Appendix C. Tektronix Protocol 32
The following table summarizes the ANSI and DEC private es-
cape sequences interpreted by TekTERM in VT100 mode. These
sequences may be included in host software to cause TekTERM
to perform various functions.
As an example, a Pascal statement to move the cursor to po-
sition 10,10 (using the HVP sequence) would be
Write (Chr (27),'[10;10f');
An equivalent pair of FORTRAN statements would be
WRITE (*,100) CHAR(27)
100 FORMAT (A2,'[10;10f')
An equivalent BASIC statement would be
PRINT CHR(27),"[10;10f";
An equivalent statement in C would be
printf ("%c[10;10f",\033);
Name Description and Sequence
CPR Cursor Position Report
ESC [ Pn; Pn R
CUB Cursor Backward
ESC [ Pn D
CUD Cursor Down
ESC [ Pn B
CUF Cursor Forward
ESC [ Pn C
CUP Cursor Position
ESC [ Pn; Pn H
CUU Cursor Up
ESC [ Pn A
DA Device Attributes
ESC [ Pn c
DECKPAM Keypad Application Mode
Appendix D. VT100 Escape Sequences 33
DECKPNM Keypad Numeric Mode
DECRC Restore Cursor
DECSC Save Cursor
DECSTBM Set Top and Bottom Mar-
ESC [ Pn; Pn r
DSR Device Status Report
ESC [ Ps n
ED Erase In Display
ESC [ Ps J
EL Erase Line
ESC [ Ps K
HTS Horizontal Tabulation Set
HVP Horizontal and Vertical
ESC [ Pn; Pn f
IND Index
NEL Next Line
RI Reverse Index
SCS Select Character Set
ESC ) 0
ESC ( 0
SGR Select Graphic Rendition
ESC [ Ps;.; Ps m
TBC Tabulation Clear
ESC [ Ps g
Appendix D. VT100 Escape Sequences 34
The TekTERM program was developed while the author was a
student at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Uni-
versity in Blacksburg, Virginia during 1984 through 1986.
It was tested and debugged by faculty and students of the
College of Engineering before being made generally available
to all staff and students of the university.
The program was tested using a variety of in-house programs
running on both an IBM 4341 and IBM 308x processor complex
under VM/CMS, and a VAX 11/780 running VMS. The Tektronix
portion of TekTERM executed software incorporating the
Tektronix TCS and AGII programming libraries, as well as the
Tektronix Interactive Graphing Package (IGP), SAS Insti-
tute's SAS/Graph, engineering software from SDRC (I-DEAS),
and MOVIE.BYU. It was also tested using the VAX/VMS Graph-
ics Kernel System (GKS/0b) as device type 72.
The VT100 portion of TekTERM was tested using the VAX EDT
editor and the VMS operating system V4.1. It was also used
to run full-screen VM/CMS through the Yale University ASCII
protocol converter (Yterm).
The communication kernels were tested on dial-up and local
area network lines at all available baud rates and parity
settings. TekTERM itself was executed on a variety of IBM
PCs including the PC Portable and the PC AT with various
amounts of memory.
The original TekTERM program was written in IBM BASIC and
compiled with the IBM BASIC Compiler V1.00. As the program
expanded and the need for speed grew, it was rewritten in
8086/8088 and assembled with the Microsoft Macro Assembler
V3.00. Development took place on a two-drive PC with 256KB
memory using the IBM Personal Editor V2.00.
The program employs its own interrupt-driven communication
buffer handler. The BIOS is used to initialize the communi-
cations port, but all further I/O is handled through inter-
rupts provided by the asynchronous communications adapter.
The buffer is allocated at assembly at 2048 bytes.
TekTERM performs extensive windowing of screen data for the
display of help information, etc. The memory for windowing
is allocated dynamically to minimize the size of the pro-
I would like to thank Drs. R.G. Leonard and R.G. Mitchiner
of the Mechanical Engineering department at VPI & SU for
their endless suggestions and bug locating.
Appendix E. About TekTERM 35
TekTERM Development
1700 Hollindale Drive
Alexandria, VA 22306
Please use this form and fill out all necessary information
when reporting software bugs or documentation discrepencies.
We are interested in knowing about and fixing them.
Registered Name
Telephone Extension
City State
Computer Manufacturer and Model
Graphics Card Manufacturer and Model
Monitor Manufacturer and Model
Communications Adapter (or Internal Modem) Manufacturer and
External Modem Manufacturer and Model
Baud Rate __________________ Duplex _______________________
Parity _____________________ Communications Port __________
Data Bits __________________
Stop Bits __________________
On the reverse side, please describe as completely as possi-
ble the problem and the circumstances under which it oc-
curred. If applicable, please describe how to reproduce the
-A- -F-
AGII 2 function keys 14
APL mode 15, 23 Tektronix mode 14
VT100 18
backspace key 9
configuring 15 gin mode 9
definition of 9, 19 terminate character 9
baud rate 6, 14
setting 6
break 17 -H-
help 15, 19
colors 9 -I-
setting 9
communication port 8 IGP 2
COM1: 8
COM2: 8
configuration 5, 10 -L-
default 10
modifying 10 line feed key 17, 19
configuration file 10
recording 10
-D- modem 13
data bits 7
setting 7 -N-
default 5
duplex 2, 7 no scroll 16, 19
full 7
half 7
of the modem 2 -P-
setting 7
page key 17
parameters 6
-E- modifying 13
setting 6
EDT editor 2, 22 parity 6
setting 6
parity bit 7
picture files 16
capturing 16
recall 26
PLOT-10 2
Index 38
-R- -T-
rub out key 17 TCS 2
-S- -V-
snoop mode 15
status line 14
stop bits 7 -4-
setting 7
4010 1
Index 39